Energheia Palestine 2017_Literary Prize
The cultural association Energheia of Matera – Italy, with the Patronage of Embassy Palestine’s State in Italy and Region Basilicata, are proud to announce the literary Prize “Energheia Palestine”.
Energheia Palestine – 2017. Announcement prize
- Writers, who must be 20-30 years old, are allowed to participate to the competition with just one unpublished short story, written in English or French, on a freely chosen subject, of no more than seven pages (25 lines per page). The story must be sent, with the author’s name, age, address (tel. number and e.mail) before 15th May 2017 to:
- A committee appointed by the organizers will read and evaluate the stories in order to indicate the best five to be submitted to the jury’s final judgement.
The jury will declare the winner in July 2017.
- The winner and the finalist stories will be published on anthology in the original language and on web’s association: www.energheia.org
- It’s up for the organizers of the competition to decide about anything which is not included in the present regulations.
A copy of the present announcement can be asked to the same address indicate above.

Energheia Palestine Prize 2017_Announcement of Literary competition
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Matera (Italy), January 2017.